[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.

Working at
Eiffage Énergie Systèmes

At Eiffage Énergie Systèmes, we regularly hire new talent to our teams. The company provides jobs in professions with a bright future, across many fields of expertise. Each year, Eiffage Énergie Systèmes offers nearly 1,000 jobs in France and internationally.

Businesses of the future

At every moment, the world is changin, and new professions are emerging. As a player of reference, Eiffage Énergie Systèmes anticipates these developments in order to build new and innovative solutions.

The latest technological developemnts are implemented across all markets and in each phase of our projects : design, studies, performance, operation and maintenance.

Professions with a bright future

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes proposes a unique business model combining local presence and specialist expertise. In practical terms, we can provide our expertise to enhance your capabilities wherever you happen to operate. Our network’s collaborative mindset and synergy are the keys to this. New employees receive onboarding support and regular enterprise-wide get-togethers are organised to nurture the “Eiffage spirit”.

Employment share ownership

The Eiffage team spirit also includes empowering all employees to participate in the employment share ownership scheme. This programme encouraging employees to also become long-term Eiffage shareholders is in the Group’s blood. Today, more than 70% of employees together own 19.6% of the Group’s share capital. As a result, individual employees have a vested interest in the success of all our projects.

Expanding the skillset

Skillset Eiffage Energie Systemes

Vocational training is a priority for Eiffage Énergie Systèmes, which invests 3% of payroll for that purpose. 
Eiffage Énergie Systèmes is committed to developing and maintaining the widely recognised professionalism of our employees. We offer training to consolidate or expand their skillsets and maintain their employability as professions change over time. 
Approximately 500,000 hours of training are provided annually.
Supplementing this training offering, the Eiffage Énergie Systèmes university provides courses to employees covering the company's principal businesses.

Providing new experiences and encouraging an entrepreneurial mindset

The purpose of internal mobility is to match the company’s human resources to its needs, nurture employees’ talents, develop their skills and empower them to achieve their personal goals. It can offer solutions to shared collective and individual challenges.
The Group has adopted a charter to encourage internal mobility.
With more than 500 locations across the regions in which we operate, we offer employees ample opportunities for a change of scenery while staying with the Group!

Mon alternance chez Eiffage Énergie Systèmes : une expérience intense et stimuante qui m'a permis de commencer sereinement la transition de l'école vers le monde du travail. 

Lauriane, apprentie responsable études de prix