[Be vigilant] Increase in attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of fake email addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). More details here.

Boosting security
and safety

Security and safety are primary concerns of French people. According to an Elabe survey, they are ranked in second place, just after health issues. Aware of these high expectations, cities are reinventing themselves to offer a safe and pleasant environment to their inhabitants. Whether for security on the streets or roads, or for the prevention of natural risks, cities need new technologies to protect their inhabitants.

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes supports you to implement these innovative measures. High Definition cameras (HD) for video surveillance, smart sensors, public lighting with motion detectors ... we offer you a wide range of solutions.



Dans la vidéo ci-après, vous découvrirez Une ville plus sûre favorisant la sécurité des biens et des personnes. Découvrez l'offre

Video protection to detect incidents

In order to combat anti-social behaviour, more and more towns are installing a video-protection system. Cameras are installed in strategic locations and the whole system is connected to an urban protection centre from which they are operated. Surveillance is based on prevention, deterrence and the assistance of security forces. 

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes has installed, in particular, new HD cameras in the town of Crépy-en-Valois (Oise). This system provides accurate video-based coverage of the town in order to improve the security of people and the protection of property. All images are transferred to the municipal police station. They are stored for analysis in the event of an offence.


"The aim was to optimise our video protection system to improve the security of people and the protection of property. »

Gilles Bouttier – Chief municipal police officer, Crépy-en-Valois

Optimising existing infrastructure

Smart sensors also strengthen security within a city. For example, they can be installed on public lighting infrastructure to manage its light intensity based on movement. When a person or vehicle passes by, the light becomes brighter and provides a feeling of security to the user. Eiffage Énergie Systèmes has developed a solution called Luciole® to regulate public lighting. When a person or vehicle is detected, light intensity varies from 20% to 100% of the light’s capacity for optimal lighting.

Our solutions thereby anticipate the risk to implement the resources necessary. They thus enable the upstream level of a river that could affect a key installation to be monitored or the basement of flood-prone buildings to be protected.


Monitoring and managing available resources with the hypervisor

Safety and hypervisor for cities

With connected objects, new public-infrastructure management possibilities are available to local authorities: adaptation of refuse collection rounds, maintenance of lighting equipment, monitoring of road offences, etc. It is then possible for decision-makers to gather all the information on the same platform that will allow a whole new administration dynamic. 

The Expercité hypervisor is an open and non-proprietary management solution that enables the various occupations within a local authority to be brought together to make them more efficient. The fields of application are unlimited but defined, on each occasion, according to the needs of the users and the issues to be addressed.



A turnkey offer

safety - cities

Depending on its size and urbanisation, each city responds to different problems. The technical choices used are therefore variable: ultra-HD system, 360° dome camera, constant reading of vehicle registration plates, etc. Eiffage Énergie Systèmes teams provide turnkey solutions, including studies, the undertaking of work and maintenance. 

For example, we have responded to the constraints of the city of Albi (Tarn). The local authority needed to adopt ultra-HD cameras to exploit the delayed images that enable it to manage the city’s security. Thanks to this device, it is now possible to zoom in on an element in a pre-recorded image without altering its sharpness.


