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Optimising the attractiveness of cities
by improving the surroundings

Today, the quality of life offered by a city is a key part of its attractiveness. Whether the environment, comfort or security, companies as well as individuals take these criteria into account when deciding on their next move. As new uses have emerged, cities need to adapt and offer attractive solutions: fewer nuisances, smart lighting, less pollution, provision of information to residents, waste management, etc. 

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes teams support cities and local authorities by offering tools and solutions that contribute to the development of the smart city to meet major economic, societal and environmental challenges.


L’ élément suivant est une vidéo Expercité, votre partenaire pour une ville plus agréable

Dans la vidéo ci-après, vous découvrirez Une ville plus agréable soucieuse de préserver et d’améliorer le cadre de vie. Découvrez l'offre d'Expercité, la marque d'Eiffage Énergie Systèmes.

Reducing energy consumption with dynamic lighting

Public lighting cities

A source of comfort and security, and a tool that enhances urban heritage, public lighting represents a significant cost for cities. On average, it makes up 40% of their electricity budget. While public lighting provides a necessary service, it can be inefficient when street lamps maintain maximum lighting for a small number of passing vehicles or pedestrians. The challenge is therefore to reduce electricity consumption without sacrificing comfort or security. 

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes teams have developed a solution called Luciole®. This system is activated by presence and speed detectors. Light intensity then varies from 20% to 100% of its capacity when movement is detected. 

Luciole® offers optimal lighting and a feeling of security for the user, whether travelling on foot, by bike or by car. The first trials in urban areas, particularly in Revins (Ardennes), revealed a reduction of almost 70% in the cost of operating public lighting.


Favouring the visibility of cities

Illustrating a heritage building consists of highlighting the architectural features of the building and finding technical solutions for integrating and shrinking the size of lights. Public lighting - in the form of festive or architectural lighting - adds to the attractiveness of a city on an economic level and by improving the surroundings and quality of life. 

More about architectural lighting



“When we took office, our buildings were run down. This PPP (Private Public Partnership) has enabled us to be ambitious and, within a tight budgetary framework, to benefit from an economical and environmental technical solution”

Sylvia Duhamel - Mayor of Bruay-sur-l'Escaut

Connected tools to measure and communicate

As the urban lighting network overlooks the entire city, it can also be used to offer other services such as an urban public address service or air pollution measuring. It can transmit data via lighting cables and be used to measure the level of pollution or noise, and to communicate with residents.

Cities can therefore benefit from a less costly public address system, which is better controlled and enables them to communicate live messages or pre-recorded messages at specified times, as is the case in Perpignan.

By offering these innovations, cities improve the quality of the services provided to residents, reduce their costs and benefit from a faster return on investment.

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