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Towards better energy management
of tertiary sites

Energy performance is a crucial issue for asset managers and building owners. Reducing energy costs, respect for the environment and the comfort of occupants: these are the challenges that must be addressed.

In 2018, reducing energy consumption became a legal obligation with the entry into force of the ELAN law (Law on the development of housing, planning and digital technology). The implementing decree specific to tertiary buildings requires a 30% reduction in energy consumption by 2030, 50% by 2040 and 60% by 2050.

Aware of these enormous economic and ecological challenges, our teams support their customers and meet these requirements with a full range of tailor-made solutions: audits, design of installations that consume less energy, energy management platform, implementation of energy data collection, etc.


Explorer la mobilité électrique

En tant que partenaire engagé, Eiffage Énergie Systèmes soutient activement les entreprises dans leurs projets de systèmes de recharge innovants et dans le déploiement d'infrastructures dédiées à la recharge des véhicules électriques. 

Notre expertise vise à garantir une transition énergétique fluide et efficace pour nos clients.

Découvrez la plateforme innovante We-Go d’Eiffage Énergie Systèmes

Notre solution intelligente pour la gestion des bornes de recharge pour véhicules électriques.

Notre plateforme ouverte simplifie l’exploitation de vos points de recharge, garantissant une expérience fluide. 

Optimising energy performance

Optimising energy performance

Improving the energy management of a tertiary site can be achieved by working on various levers that have to be handled with care in order to maintain the delicate balance between energy savings, user comfort and operational requirements. Whether through energy audits, the definition of potential savings, the management of installations, etc., the actions to be implemented are numerous and require personalised support.

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes has designed a range of solutions that adapt to different needs: Uptimum. Our teams offer a complete audit of the site’s energy consumption and uses. This snapshot of the current situation allows us to analyse the energy profile of the structure and to recommend a personalised and adapted action plan.

The implementation of specific performance indicators depends on centralised monitoring, on site or remotely, in order to identify and correct failures in real time. Coupled with the identification of sources of energy savings, these actions are the levers necessary for the sustainable improvement of energy performance.

New energy-saving technologies

New energy-saving technologies

The monitoring of indicators is now made more user-friendly, reliable and effective thanks to the development of new technologies: connected sensors, performance evaluation tools, artificial intelligence, etc.; the tools available are numerous and extremely accurate.

To meet the needs of customers as well as possible, our experts work on the development of increasingly connected and smart platforms. For DHL, we designed an energy management platform on the Vitry-sur-Seine site. It allows the archiving and visualisation of multi-fluid consumption data in real time. Connected sensors measure and collect data on the building’s electricity consumption, user comfort and gas consumption.

This data is then sent to the central platform, which transcribes it in the form of graphs. This permits a simplified reading of the performance indicators. The teams can then implement immediate action plans in the event of a problem.


A major challenge for public buildings

The ELAN law implementing decree also concerns all public equipment and buildings. In fact, local authorities have to implement action plans for buildings of more than 1,000 m².

As part of its Climate energy plan, Paris city council is committed to reducing the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of its public buildings by 30% by 2020, compared to 2004.

To tackle this challenge, the city council entrusted Eiffage Énergie Systèmes with the creation of a monitoring system for the public buildings’ boiler rooms. Our teams thus supported the city council with the renovation of the technical installations of some of its thermal power plants and the implementation of a monitoring system for the entire fleet that will interface with existing internal management tools.

This system favours a veritable energy management approach, and creates new services and applications for users.


  • Expertise healthcare Eiffage Énergie Systèmes
    Expertise dedicated to the world of healthcare

    Eiffage Énergie Systèmes is actively involved by equipping the hospitals of tomorrow