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sustainable energy

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes makes use of its expertise in the fields of renewable energy production. Our teams design, install, maintain and operate the following types of power plant :
  • photovoltaic solar energy
  • solar thermal energy 
  • wind
  • hydroelectric 
  • biomass

From capitalising on the renewable energy potential of a small town...

In order to limit our dependence on fossil fuels, which emit carbon (oil, gas, etc.), renewable energies are credible alternatives that are within our reach. They allow energy to be produced from a local source. 

Eiffage Énergie Systèmes contributes to the carbon-free energy mix, at local and national levels, by capitalising on the renewable energy potential specific to each region. In the Dordogne, our teams built the first high-efficiency solar thermal energy plant on trackers. Trackers enable the photovoltaic panels to be moved according to the position of the sun. With 350 gigawatt hours per year, this plant’s output covers the domestic consumption of the population of Bordeaux. 


...to the energy development of a country

Sustainable energy - solar plant

These solutions are also being developed abroad, where many solar farms are being built. They produce renewable energy that is clean and economical and used by cities in the farms’ vicinity.

With its subsidiary Eiffage Energia, Eiffage Énergie Systèmes enjoys globally-recognised expertise in this field. We offer a turnkey model, from the supply of photovoltaic panels to the maintenance of the solar power plant, including the plant’s construction and optimisation. Since 2010, 50 solar power plants have been built by our teams in Africa (Mauritania and Senegal) and South America (Chile). In total, more than 1.6 GW of electricity have been delivered.


Wind power, a strategic energy source in France’s energy transition process.

Sustainable energy - windfarm offshore

As part of the Multi-annual energy programme (PPE), launched in 2018, several goals were set for the wind-power industry, particularly for offshore wind power: reach 2.4 GW of power by the end of 2023. 
Eiffage Énergie Systèmes teams are supporting EDF Renouvelables and the consortium comprising Eiffage Métal (leader) and DEME, in the construction of the first offshore wind farm in France, off the coast of Saint Nazaire. Our teams are thus responsible for the production and assembly of the wind turbines’ power modules of the underground connection and the HV substation, which will allow energy to be injected into the grid. It will cover the equivalent of 20% of the electricity consumption of the Loire-Atlantique département. 



Acquisition of 9 micro-hydro power plants

We are also investing in other renewable energy sources such as hydropower. In September 2019, we acquired nine micro-hydro power plants in the south-west of France (Tarn, Charente, Gers, Dordogne). We are committed to renovating them and increasing their total power. The teams - alongside Eiffage Génie Civil - are therefore in charge of the renovation work, and will subsequently maintain and operate the plants over a period of 20 years. 

This new activity is in keeping with the Group’s low-carbon strategy. In order to respond to complex calls for tender, we have to draw on the expertise of the various branches.

Thomas Forgue, responsable développement hydroélectricité et photovoltaïque
Learn more about
  • Eiffage s'engage en faveur de l'écomobilité
    Sustainable mobility
  • Eiffage sobriété énergétique
    Renewable energy consumption