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Eiffage Energía Sistemas continues expanding in the renewable energies sector with major project “El Cuco”

Since June, teams from Eiffage Energía Sistemas have been building the Aquila Clean Energy PV power plant in Montealegre del Castillo (Albacete province, south-east Spain). This major project, nicknamed "El Cuco", will supply 19,500 homes with clean energy. Find out more! 

Eiffage Energía Sistemas continues expanding in the renewable energies sector with major project “El Cuco”

"A major step towards strengthening our commitment in Castilla-La Mancha". That's how Jorge de Miguel, head of Development and Construction for Aquila Clean Energy in Spain, sums up this resolutely renewable project. The Branch already has a clean energy plant in the region, but "El Cuco" is symbolic in more ways than one. 


Figures first: when commissioned in 2024, the 42.313 MWp PV power plant will supply the equivalent of 19,500 homes with clean energy. This will avoid 19,200 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, while contributing to local employment by creating 140 permanent jobs. 


Environment issues at the core of the project 


As regards the environment, "El Cuco" does not stop at the production of low-carbon energy, but is tackling the global scope of the issue. The goal is to minimize the solar power plant’s impact on nature. "El Cuco" is backed by a number of emblematic measures. 


The Montealegre del Castillo site has a plan to diversify and rotate crops between pulses and cereals, on 3 contiguous plots. The plan also includes fallow land maintenance and replanting vegetation under the solar panels, in ten 100 m2 zones. "The organization between these green areas and the panels is based on the tasks to be completed on site, for one simple reason: to avoid damaging the natural environment during subsequent operations." Another illustration is the creation of a green plant screen to help the power station blend into its surroundings. 


Wildlife is also protected. Steppe bird habitats have been preserved, with the creation of a 72-hectare protected area, i.e. 50% of the power plant's surface area. In addition, 15 nesting boxes and 3 drinking troughs will encourage their development around the plant. 


In Castilla-La Mancha, the subsidiary now boasts 23 PV power plants (over 1.2 GW of capacity) and 47 wind farms (over 1.7 GW). "El Cuco" thus confirms Eiffage Energía Sistemas' status as Europe's leading installer of megawatts of renewable power. 


Key figures 

Eiffage Energía Sistemas has : 

  • 97 wind farms, with 3.5 GW of installed capacity  

  • 95 solar power plants, with 4.7 GW of installed capacity 

  •  in total, 8.2 GW, representing over 80% of the Group's renewable energies business worldwide. 


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